Given that I have a lot less time these days, and that my brain is being taxed by a recent job change, I’ve been on the lookout for shorter, less attention-demanding podcasts. Enter AFK from Changelog. Episodes are less than 30 minutes, and showcase “the human side of creative work”.
Especially check out AFK with Suz Hinton. They touch on burnout, and the importance of asking for help. It’s not a sign of failure.
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A recent episode of the Changelog podcast featured an interview with Max Coutté. With the help of some friends and a mentor, he has built his own VR headset. Yes, please! But I should probably wrap up some of my current projects first.
Check out the Relativ project on GitHub.
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My podcast rotation has expanded a bit lately. Here are the ones I’ve found particularly enjoyable:
A gaming podcast featuring 3 ladies and only 1 guy. They discuss games and pay particular attention to:
Did the game creators lazily fall back on stereotypes or create a well-rounded, believable characters with history, motivations, feelings? Are we forced to play as a male lead? Extra points off if we have to rescue a damsel in distress.
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What I realized in that moment was that the lights of the city, the electric light, has formed a kind of dome over the cities where we live. And it is a protective dome, a protective shield, that shields us from full awareness of how deep and infinite space is. So we sit in our cities, and our electric lights have blanked out the sky, for us, and we no longer have first-hand experience of the existential terror that is available to you at any point in time if you just try and spend one night outside on the beach or in the forest.
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The route to thinking about, caring for, and contributing to, the happiness of other people, is found by first loving oneself. Continuous, inward-facing self-hatred helps no one.
That’s my paraphrase of John’s sentiment from Roderick on the Line episode 60, at about 1:08:00. He points specifically to the northwest during the grunge era. But that form of self-reflection continues to this day inside of chronic self-deprecants, of which I have too often been one.
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… all around me there are people who have never learned to endure dissatisfaction and I do not admire them.
– John Roderick. Roderick on the Line, episode 54.
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I continue to like Merlin Mann’s podcasts. A few weeks ago I stumbled upon Back to Work. Being familiar with You Look Nice Today I figured it had to be good, so I jumped in without a clue what it was about. Turns out to be centered on:
fear happiness no-fluff life hacks creative work In episode 14, some things that really struck a chord with me were related to job unhappiness.
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… that continuous spiritual deadening that the chirp of a child who you’re legally obliged to look after, in your right ear, constantly, and not letting up, and not letting you sleep …
– From YLNT - That’s Babies
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