ArsTechnica has an article showing that climate change isn’t and shouldn’t be a political issue. It’s not just for liberals.
May we all take responsibility for being stewards of the Earth.
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* The moon is rich in rare-earth elements. Sounds kinda funny when you think about it. The moon is rich in unrare-moon elements.
* There is a US rare-earth element mine, and it has recently opened back up. If only mining had fewer long term environmental risks.
* And of course, recycle your cell phones.
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Just read the Nov/Dev 2011 Audobon magazine article, Life Support, about the improving state of Everglades since the author’s previous visit 10 years ago. I won’t go into the details of the article. Nor will I pretend to have a solution for that region. However, the article conjured up some environmentally-related memories from growing up in Florida, so here goes:
As a child I was frequently puzzled by the fact that nobody knew exactly what to do with their old engine oil.
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Watched a 2005 Oregon PBS special about forest management last night. Link here. Saw some old guys with lots of land and trees managing it with intelligence. They don’t clear-cut. They have a clue about genetics so they save the best trees and sell the others. Made me think: Damn that looks like fun, rewarding work!
Especially the bits involving data collection. One guy kept detailed logs and found that his trees put on mass much faster later in life, but most loggers harvest before that point.
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Wherein I discuss my elementary ideas and woes regarding radio control circuit design, air conditioners, building materials, and a few other things. It’s a portrait of what it’s like to be irked by things that should have been designed better, or could be.
Not sure when I started thinking about improving upon the design of things, but I think it was early on in my childhood. Probably as soon as I started taking things apart to investigate the internals and repurpose the parts.
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