My podcast rotation has expanded a bit lately. Here are the ones I’ve found particularly enjoyable:


A gaming podcast featuring 3 ladies and only 1 guy. They discuss games and pay particular attention to:

  • Did the game creators lazily fall back on stereotypes or create a well-rounded, believable characters with history, motivations, feelings?
  • Are we forced to play as a male lead? Extra points off if we have to rescue a damsel in distress.
  • Are women represented less-kindly than men? More kindly?

Straight white men aren’t the only people playing games.

Up Up Down Down

A podcast about games from a game developer’s perspective. An early episode about game length, Three Quarters of Half-Life, struck a chord with me. I’m about six hours into Half Life, and I’m quite bored. It could do with being shorter, having more diversity, or perhaps having more of a story.

Roderick on the Line

Still loving this podcast. Related: I stopped listening to Back to Work about 8 months ago.

NPR Planet Money

Recently learned about the history of fondue, specifically about it being tied to Switzerland’s search for a broader market for cheese in the early 1900s.


NPR Topics: Business Story of the Day Podcast

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